I'm a
Living and working on Earth, Milky Way
Service Desk is a Microsoft tool used by all customer service experts to create, manage, and work support cases.
- #motion
- #prototype
- #UX
- #code

Service Desk SDK is a documentation site used for development of the Service Desk web application.
- #IA
- #research
- #UX
- #UI

Using Google Nearby technology this app sends Eddystone URLs through Bluetooth push notifications.
- #nearby
- #UX
- #prototype

The 737 MAX Interactive Training Manual was designed to allow pilots in training to study functions of the aircraft.
- #iOS
- #code
- #UX
- #iBooks

Allen Institute's Sharepoint site is an integral part of their internal communications, it just needed a some UX design.
- #research
- #sketching
- #sharepoint

Simple prototype showing how we can turn high volumes of comments into useful insight on public forums.
- #HCI
- #prototype
- #UX

A more user friendly experience for scheduling meetings using Calendar and autofilling forms from a Gmail thread.
- #HCI
- #prototype
- #UX

Quakely.io sends alerts up to 15 seconds before a major earthquake reaches the surface and offers help after the event.
- #IA
- #UX
- #mentoring

In this project we improved the booking experience and consistency across all devices and consolidated similar tasks.
- #UX
- #specs
- #prototype
Professor Savin

This course teaches the fundamentals of designing websites, mobile content, and graphics for screen-based devices. Topics include navigation, user interaction and user experience, image production and digital color theory, layout techniques, accessibility, contracts and copyright law, and managing project assets.
View Course OutlineEach student will become familiar with their own strengths and how to utilize them and the strengths within their group. The following skills with also be incorporated: Agile project management, sprint planning, tasks and hours estimating, hours tracking, defining scope of work, and small teams strategies
View Course OutlineThis course will replace Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop pre-requisites in order to better prepare students to use Sketch when taking DSGN 153. Symbol libraries, prototyping, and plugin management are explored. The final outcome is a full UI library consisting of common components used in web design.
Coming 2019